This page has a small compilation of some efforts I have made to communicate science to different audiences including other scientists, K-12 students and the general public. Many of these are in spanish as I try to contribute to initiatives in my home country but I am always interested in being part of such projects anywhere :-)!
Here is a short blog post I wrote about communicating science to kids and the importance of representation Blog

  Video Printed Press Talks  

Contributions to SciComm initiatives

A sci comm video about our work on the environmental correlates of diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest:

In English
with Spanish subtitles,
with Portuguese subtitles.

A sci comm video about our work on collective property in Afro-Colombian communities and deforestation with the amazing Ciencia Café Pa’ Sumercé (In spanish):

A sci comm video on the complexities of doing science and how information changes as more questions and answers appear, in the context of COVID-19 a fiction video with the amazing Ciencia Café Pa’ Sumercé (In spanish):

Contributions to the beautiful online catalog of Amphibians and Reptiles of Colombia. A project by the Colombian herpetology society (In Spanish).

Diasporus anthrax Leptodactylus lithonaetes


Contributions to the Annual Report on the state of Biodiversity in Colombia (check all reports here) (In Spanish)

We wrote one chapter on our work with the amphibian killing chytrid fungus distribution in Colombia (Peer reviewed publication here)


An illustrated guide to the sampling of tissues for genetic analyses in amphibians, part of a full illustrated guide to sampling in several groups. (In Spanish)

An outreach report on the barcode of life project in Colombia back in 2013!!  

Some links to press coverage about me and my work

  Episode of the podcast Periodémicas in spanish about my career path as a woman and immigrant in STEM

  The Early Career Researcher feature blog post from Journal of Biogeography: a bit about my PhD work

  A little about my experience as a woman in science: An interview with The Female Scientist

Outreach talks

I have recently joined Skype a Scientist. This is a wonderful program that allows schools and families to connect with scientists working on some topic of interest for a conversation.
Here are a couple of drawings I got after a super cool conversation with 1st/3rd graders about frogs! Looking forward to more of these sessions in the near future!

For a few years I was part of an amazing program in NYC called Global Classroom. There, as a global guide I got to talk to students of different grades from the NYC public school system about sustainability and conflict in relation to Colombia, my home country. Here are some pictures of those talks

I have participated as an invited speaker in the CCNY Ecology and Evolution (Bio 228) class for undergraduates. Sharing Ecology and Evolution research with the students showcasing what we do in the department and some things they could do research in.